Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sunday Funday

I am a 35 year old woman which means there is a certain maintenance required to remain fresh and beautiful. No more are the days of sleeping in my makeup or not having to pluck a random hair from a place that women are "not supposed" to have hair. Sigh...
I am a busy lady so generally during the week I just make sure to keep my face clean at night and shave as needed. My only time I have to do the true maintenance is on the weekend. I have chose Sunday as my beauty day.
I actually begin this on Saturday night just before bed by lathering my hair in my Joico K-Pak Deep Penetrating Reconstructor and Pure Brazilian Deep Conditioning Masque. I just mix them both together and lather all over focusing on the ends. Then I through my hair in high bun and go to bed.
When I am done with my morning coffee and am ready to function on Sunday I grab my nail polish remover and take off all my polish and then I hop in the shower. I start by rinsing all the conditioner out of my hair and shampoo as usual. Then I put in my regular conditioner and let it sit in my hair until I'm done with the rest of the following shower routine. 

1. Scrub entire body with any good sugar scrub focusing on knees and elbows.
2. Use any callus remover (foot scrubber) to get feet nice and soft.
3. Shave. It is critical that you shave AFTER using the sugar scrub as shaving opens the skin and the scrub will create little cuts all over if you shave before. I do a complete shave so I'm smooth all over. I personally use a men's razor. I just feel they are better.
4. Wash body with whatever body wash you prefer.
5. Completely scrub face with Dr. Brandt PoreDermabrasion focusing on the forehead, chin, and edges of the nose. Place small amount on fingertips and apply using small circular motions. Leave on for about 2 minutes and rinse.
6. Clean face with Acne Free Advanced Deep Cleansing Duo.
7. Rinse hair and get out of the shower.
8. Place a small amount of Astringent on a cotton ball and rub over face to make sure those pores are really clean.
9. Use any brand facial moisturizer you prefer (I use the Equate version of Oil of Olay). Make sure you rub the lotion into your neck, chest, hands, and elbows as well. Just a little beauty tip I learned a long time ago. This helps those areas not only keep hydrated but prevents wrinkling if you moisturizer offers that protection.
10. Completely moisturize your entire body with your choice of body lotion. I use Jergens Ultra Healing.
11. Clip nails and file. I use a Nail File Drill with all kinds of fun attachments.
12. Paint nails. My favorite brand is Sinful Colors.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Prepping to Tie the Knot...the beginning

Well, here I am 81 days until I say I do in Fabulous Las Vegas and I need to lose a good ten to fifteen pounds for me to feel my best in the dress I have chosen. I decided that since we are doing Vegas, I have to have a very sexy and glamorous dress. I also plan to be at any one of the many pool parties each day I am there, we plan to be out on the town every night so I'll need to dress up for that, and it will be hot in May so I want to be able to wear cute dresses and shorts while we're doing the tourist thing. I also want to do a boudoir photo shoot for my fiancĂ© to give him the morning of the wedding.  I'm overwhelmed already!
By the time the wedding comes around, our daughter will have just turned two so I really have no excuse as why I have not already lost these last pounds. The only excuse I have is simply that I have not put forth the effort to exercise. That is it. I am truly disappointed in myself for this. I was a size 0/2 and 103 pounds before conceiving my beautiful little surprise. I am currently a size 4/6 and  127 pounds. Now, I understand to most people this is hardly cause for concern. I understand that I am not overweight. However, I am carrying excess fat around my stomach and hips and butt. I am not used to this. I do not like it. I want it gone. I long for the days of a toned tummy and butt. The days when I could literally close my eyes and pick what to wear and look amazing in whatever I threw on. I miss feeling healthy. I miss feeling confident. I miss the carefree woman I used to be. 

In order to reach my goals I know my habits must change. I have to get my brain back into the mode it used to be in. I have to get back to the point where daily exercise is not even a question. I also must make time to prepare my lunch for work everyday instead of eating out.  I need to create a dinner menu instead of eating ramen noodles over the sink because nothing is thawed.  Dinner is going to be a tough one. My fiancĂ© is an over-the-road truck driver so making a full meal every night for me and an almost two year old seems a little ridiculous. When I do cook a full meal, I end up eating that same meal for three or four nights in row in order to get through it all.

Knowing how to exercise to get back to my ideal body is not the problem. I did it before. My problem is having time to do it when I'm basically a single mother who works full-time. I know millions of single moms do it, I just have to learn their tricks. I am not a group fitness kind of girl so I will not have to schedule my workouts around a gyms class schedule. That is good! Years ago I gained some weight due to stress in a relationship; when I was ready to get back to myself, I walked. And walked. And walked some more. I walked until I got to a comfortable weight and could then feel good about trying new workouts and try out running. My plan is to walk every night after dinner now that it is getting nicer out here the Northwest. This will eliminate needing to worry about childcare and losing more precious time with my kiddo. I'll just toss her in the stroller and get to it. I sure hope it will be that easy! I also have many workouts I have used over the years to tone all the areas I am worried about. I am a huge fan of balance balls. They give a full range of motion that you may not get if you are just doing a floor exercise. I like hand weights no heavier than 10 pounds for arms. I'm a lady, I want toned arms, not guns.
As it is March 1st, I feel this is as good a day as any to get to it already.

I will be posting updates, recipes, and workouts soon so check back!